Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II

The World Tourism Network and SKAL International invite travel and tourism industry members to join the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Nations by leaving a comment, words of wisdom, and thanks.

We pay our respect to the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, and all she has done for the tourism industry, for world peace, and the uniting of souls around the world.

On behalf of the World Tourism Network Executive Board, WTN President Dr. Peter Tarlow said: “Queen Elizabeth II was truly, in the words of the Biblical King Solomon, a woman of valor.   We are all blessed to have been with us so long, and world tourism shall sorely miss her.”

SKAL International President Burcin Turkkan and the executive committee extend their deepest sympathy and condolences to all Skalleagues in the UK and British citizens on the sad passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II – May she rest in peace!

Leave your condolences below.

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Comments will be shared with Buckingham Palace on behalf of the Global Travel and Tourism Sector.

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Vivien Prince
1 year ago

Kenya:  Queen Elizabeth II, the epitome of dignity, grace, faith, continuity, security, and a joy to all wherever she went; hard working monarch till the end of her days; thank you Your Majesty, and may you rest in peace.  Our deepest and sincere condolences to the Royal Family.

Soledad Klinger
Soledad Klinger
1 year ago

From SKAL CORDOBA, ARGENTINA, we send our deepest condolences to all the British people and especially to our Skalleagues friends, for the loss of our beloved QUEEN Elisabeth II. Rest in peace, Madam.

Tony Ofungi
1 year ago

My first recollection of Queen Elizabeth was when my late dad used to take me and my siblings  on safari in the mid 70’s to the eponymous Queen Elizabeth National Park named in commemoration of the Queens visit to Uganda in 1954.
Years later our Primary School Headmaster announced that our school would celebrate Common Wealth Day with a concert. I dressed in a Scottish kilt borrowed from my sister and did my best to play the part.
I eventually ended up in the tourism sector and guided visitors to Queen Elizabeth National Park and in 2007  too at the Common Wealth of Heads of Government Meeting in Kampala (CHOGM) which was one of the Queens last international engagements.
Until it was temporarily shifted to give way for the Kampala Fly Over , The Queens Clock Tower colloquially  known as’ Sawa ya Queeni’ was the major landmark like a sailors ‘ light house’  leading from the Entebbe  International Airport where the Queen Elizabeth landed as a Princess and boarded as a Queen on return to England to take up her royal duties after the passing of her father in 1952. 
May the cherubim’s receive   Her at the gates of Heaven in the everlasting kingdom of God whom she so served diligently on Planet Earth. God Save The Queen

1 year ago

Tourist Guide Federation of South India remembering the Royal visit of Her Magesty to Taj Malabar, Cochi in Kerala during 1997.Heart felt Condolences now.

Liz Tapawa
Liz Tapawa
1 year ago

Condolences to the United Kingdom- Liz Tapawa – Vice President Skal Kenya Nairobi

carol collins
1 year ago

Thank you Your Majesty for your years of public service, leadership, compassion and at the same time a mother not only to your family but to the world. You were the Queen of England but you were also a kind and loving great lady, an icon and inspiration to many, and will be remember from every corner of the world. Throughout history, we’ve looked to Your Majesty for your steadiness, and not once have you faltered. You kept your promise to serve until the very end. I was luckily enough to have met you and members of your gracious family, those memories will last a life time for me and I know there are so many others with similar stories and memories which will live on
Rest in Peace

1 year ago

Hong Kong

Jean Baptiste
Jean Baptiste
1 year ago


Receive my condolences

Jose Valmir da Costa
Jose Valmir da Costa
1 year ago

Sincere condolences from Skal Porto Alegre. José Valmir da Costa, President

Edbanger C 590
1 year ago

Farewell Ma’am, the world is a poorer place without you. I 🙏for your family who have lost their rock.
Edmund, Plymouth England

Edbanger C 590
1 year ago

Farewell Ma’am, the world is a poorer place without you. 🙏 for your family who have lost their rock.
Edmund H Shillabeer Plymouth England

mario masciullo
1 year ago


I shared in the joy’s presence of the English people on the day of the coronation of HRH Elizabeth the II and I admired from a distance from the Kingdom her superhuman strength as Queen of the World, as a mother. With the inevitable smile until this sad day. Rest in peace, Madam.

Abiodun Cheke. Fisheries Consultant.(Nigeria).
Abiodun Cheke. Fisheries Consultant.(Nigeria).
1 year ago

Despite Queen Elizabeth II’s Age; She was Very elegant till the end. May Her Soul Rest In Peace. Amen.