Department of Culture, International Relations and European Integration of Odesa City Council, Ivan Liptuga, Ukraine
[email protected] | Ivan Liptuga |
14 Katerininska str., 65026, Odesa, Ukraine | +38 (048) 725-24-24 | www.odessatourism.org

At present, he is the president of the National Tourism Organization of Ukraine and a representative of Ukraine on marketing issues at the International Chamber of Commerce.
The main tasks of the Department of Culture, International Relations and European Integration of Odesa City Council in the field of tourism are:
1) ensuring the implementation of the state policy in the field of tourism in the territory of Odesa city;
2) formation of a positive image of Odesa, popularization of the city, the active promotion of the brand of Odesa in the main target and new tourist markets;
3) promotion of tourist activities in the city and the creation of modern tourist infrastructure;
4) establishment of cooperation and interaction with international institutions and organizations in the field of tourism;
5) coordination and control over the implementation of excursion activities in the territory of Odesa and the quality of tourist services;
6) promoting the development of the film industry in Odesa and the region.
We want to join the organization with the goal of establishing new business contacts, sharing experience in tourism development, and gaining experience from other countries.
TAGS Ukraine