Christine Killinger, SKAL, Quebec, Canada
I find WTN informative and useful to anyone who is committed in working in the tourist industry and congratulate the founders for their dedication and hard work in propelling WTN into a recognized and worldwide respected association. I would be honored to be a member Some of my tourist related activities are President of SKAL International Montreal. This have previously been president for 6 years. Also held the SKAL representative position for 12 years. I was president of the Quebec Association of Travel Agents. Was a teacher at Concordia University for 30 years. I taught in the Tourism Department at Continuing Education and in AHSC (applied human science department) Tourism in Canada, which is a credit course dealing with the impact economically and physically tourism has on a destination. Owned Voyages Tourex a travel agency, Unique Tours, a wholesale operation and SVP (Source de Votre Personnel a placement agency specializing in tourism. Own vacation rental properties in the US (state of NY) in Canada (province of Quebec and in France (Paris and Vanves)