LGBT Meeting Professionals Association, PA, USA
The LGBT Meeting Professionals Association (LGBT MPA), a 501(c)3, is the first and only organization solely committed to connecting, advancing, and empowering the LGBT+ meeting professional. While the LGBT community is well known for its inclusive and diverse culture, LGBT MPA provides the opportunity for our unique voices to be uplifted, representing and educating the industry on a broad range of topics pertaining to inclusion and diversity. Our research-driven data provides a more meaningful understanding of our community while sharing best practices for industry leadership.
As a community-based association, with an international membership, we provide exposure across all established meeting sectors. As an inclusive association, we provide an opportunity for all meeting professionals to be a part of the larger goal of inclusion throughout the industry.
by David Jefferys, chairman
More information: www.lgbtmpa.com | [email protected]
Member of the LGTBQ Interest Group