Junisa Precious Gbeteh Sallu Kallon, Juninnho Investments Company Ltd, Freetown, Sierra Leone
I am a Global citizen I am knowledgeable and experience in the achievement of Agenda 2030, Agenda 2063 targets in Sierra Leone especially with regards to Sustainable development for Youths. Change be you the individual and that change can be just a spark in the darkness of adversity, underdevelopment, poverty, and a host common global challenges. However, if one chooses to be the positive spark in Society, you might just be the ignition for sustainable development as you en-light others around you.
Currently, I am serving a the Special Coordinator to the Regional Coordinator of the Royal Commonwealth Society among-st other nonprofit organizational appointments and assignments, all in an effort to create the impact needed to advance sustainable development. I am most passionate about Sustainable Development for Youth. Why, because as a Youth from an Under development nation like Sierra Leone with decades of wars and epidemics there hasn’t been much transition development. It is my responsibility to be the change I need and wants to see in society especially in improving the lives of youth socially, economically, politically as well as morally.Be the change I need and want to see in society as we combat our common global challenges.
Junisa Precious Gbeteh Sallu Kallon is a multi-talented serial Entrepreneur and Youth Activist. He holds Bachelor’s in Political Science from Atlantic International University- Honolulu, HI. And currently, doing His Master’s degree in International Relations with a concentration on the thematic area of International Relations (Global Policy Development). . Some of his skills include Business Development (5 years), Business & Executive Management (5 years), Strategic Planning (6 years), Sales (2 years), Event Planning (4 years). Junisa Kallon wear many hats. Some of his experiences include:- www.linkedin.com/in/junisak My interest lies solely on International Development, Public Policy, Sustainable Development, Mega Project Development, and Management e.t.c
http://jicltd.business.site | [email protected]