TOUR & TRAVEL ORGANIZERS LTD, Dr. Peter Distefano, Clayton, CA 94517, USA
Joining the WTN simply adds to our travel credo and guide of promoting a safe travel experience while keeping in mind the ecological safety of our planet. Too often we forget that it is not only immensely important to assure the safety of our travel clients, but it is also important that we show that the earth and all of its inhabitants are also important. If we do not adhere to these principals then we will all lose our ability and desire to travel.
I founded my agency, Tour & Travel Organizers Ltd and its sister company World Traveler News, in 1980 to promote travel in the effort to allow everyone to meet, see, and accept all the awesome cultural differences that make up this world. Those differences also show us that we are all one together. Along with that the ability to see first hand all the awesome creature in this world. The world is changing so fast due to greed and lack of empathy for all living things, and I wanted/want to do all necessary to show the wonders of this plant.
www.tour-travel-organizers.com | [email protected]