AMBIS University: Dr. Alžbeta Kiráľová, Prague, Czech Republic
FOUNDING MEMBER: Dr. Alžbeta Kiráľová is an Associate professor and Vice-Rector for International Affairs at the AMBIS in Prague, Czech Republic.
Dr. Kiráľová represents AMBIS in international organizations and networks such as UNWTO, ATLAS (Association for Tourism and Leisure Education and Research, a member of the Board), NECSTouR (Network of European Regions for Competitive and Sustainable Tourism).
Dr. Kiráľová works as an expert for the EASME COSME and Erasmus + EACEA, EAPAA, VEGA (Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and Slovak Academy of Sciences), TAČR (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic), and Silverlight expert. At the same time, she is actively involved in research projects in the Czech Republic and abroad, focusing on tourism destination marketing and management, food tourism, and regional development. She is the author of the books Marketing Hotel Services (Ekopress), Marketing Tourism Destination (Ekopress), Globalization Impact on Tourism Destination Marketing (Ekopress), and editor of the book Driving Tourism through Creative Destinations and Activities (IGI Global). Thirty-six years of experience in tourism and marketing. Author and co-author of numerous journal articles, academic papers, and studies. I would be interested in contributing to research, academic knowledge sharing through discussions, and working groups.
www.ambis.cz | [email protected] | +420 775872168