Mahendranath Busgopaul, Halley Movement Coalition, Mauritius
Halley Movement is working at combatting Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the region.
by Mahendranath Busgopaul
Mahendranath Busgopaul is the Secretary-General of the Halley Movement Coalition and the founding President of Halley Movement, www.halleymovement.org,
He has been involved in research, training, advocacy, publications since 1990 and has started Helpline Mauritius, which is the first online counselling service.
He has hosted the Mauritius-Internet Governance Forum since 2017 until todate. This rich experience has offered Mahendranath the possibility of being a speaker for the NGO report on ‘Child sexual exploitation in Mauritius’ to the UN Human Rights Council, at the United Nations UPR session in October 2018 in Geneva.
Mahendranath has been elected at the African Union ECOSOCC as the representative for Mauritius.