Dr. Birgit Trauer, The Cultural Angle, Australia
Founding Member: Dr. Birgit Trauer has a long history in travel and tourism, both in industry and academia.
She holds a PhD in Tourism Management from the University of Queensland, Australia and has lived and worked in the United Arab Emirates, Germany, England, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia.
Birgit Trauer has published in top international academic journals and academic text books, and has shared her insights and passion with students, colleagues, government and industry representatives through seminars, work-shops, and presentations at conferences, key-notes and panel discussions.
Prior to that she has worked in the international airline industry, in retail and wholesale travel agencies, in tourism resorts, and in the health and fitness industry.
As the founder of The Cultural angle she continues to educate and inspire her audiences to view the world around us and within us from different angles—to act with a thoughtful heart and a caring mind in our aspirations for peaceful travel and peaceful co-existence.
Birgit has two adult children and recently has based herself again in her old home-town of Bremen in Germany, where she grew up.
Given the predicament that travel and tourism finds itself in, I believe that the time to encourage critical mindfulness is more important than ever before. I believe that we are all travellers no matter the roles we play in travel and tourism. In line with this I have just completed a book to be self-published very soon.
Travel as a way of learning is at the core of the book. It aims to inspire greater understanding and appreciation of travel, tourism and peace, emotional agility, the importance of needs and values, and the relevance of cultural values and stereotypes in the web of life where travel and tourism play a major part.
Title: Dare to Care and Connect – The Way of the Peaceful Traveller
I strongly believe in and support the concept of bringing together representatives from across the whole spectrum of travel and tourism – government, NGO’s, industry, the public, and academia to share insights from diverse perspectives. Now, more than ever before do we need an inclusive and encouraging network to foster responsible travel for the benefit of all stakeholders and peaceful co-existence.
www.theculturalangle.com | [email protected]